4 Quotes & Sayings By Kelle Hampton

Kelle Hampton is a writer and contributor to The Huffington Post. She is the author of The Life and Times of the Chair: A Novel (2013) and The Addict's Daughter (2014). She is currently working on her first novel about an unusual love story set in the world of addiction treatment.

You know, through pain, you learn a lot about yourself--things you thought you never knew you wanted to learn. And it's kind of like those animals that regrow a part of their body--like a starfish. You might not feel it. You might not even want to grow, but you will. You'll grow that part that broke off, and that growing, that blooming--cannot happen without the pain. Kelle Hampton
Dad they think she has Down Syndrome." He smiled genuinely as his eyes welled up with tears. "That's okay. We love her. Kelle Hampton
Through pain and growth, I have come to appreciate -no, more than that- I've come to love my fence, even though it may be different than the neighbors'. The concept of perfection is not flawless or ripped from a magazine. It's happiness. Happiness with all itsmessiness and not-quite-thereness. It's knowing that life is short, and the moments we choose to fill our cup wiht should be purposeful and rich. That we should be present for life, that we should drink deeply. And that's perfection. And my dad and my mom and my family-my past, present, and future with Nella, what the world may view as broken or damaged-have taught me what true beauty really is. Kelle Hampton